Finish it or bin it: Views on eating in class

Yum yum yum Junior Baily Wilson sneaks a snack in her history class taught by Corey McCune. McCune typically doesn’t approve of students eating in class, but that doesn’t always stop them.

Ryan Welliver, Staff Writer

The smell of food, the taste of beverages: Northtown students are allowed to take these items with them to some of their classes. But do food and drinks belong in the classroom?

Some teachers don’t permit eating in class.

“I don’t allow eating in my classrooms at all because it attracts the cockroaches,” PE and Health teacher Coach Colette Clemens said.

“I only allow bottled water. I think eating and drinking is for the cafeteria and at home. It is distracting,” Spanish teacher Laura Flores Taylor said.

Others, however, do let students eat in class.

“I allow students to eat and drink in my classroom because I have students come in during lunch periods,” Theater and Leadership teacher Randy Jackson said.

“I usually only allow upperclassmen to eat and I only permit bottled water,” German teacher Kevin Moore said. “If it doesn’t interfere with learning, it’s fine. It’s hard to think when you are hungry.”

“I allow food and drinks if they aren’t near the computer or causing distractions,” NTV teacher Amanda Dolinger said.

Most students appreciate having the privilege of snacking in class.

“Yes, food should be accepted, because if you already have it, you don’t have to leave to the vending machines. All of my teachers allow food in their classrooms,” senior Cameron Madison said.

“Food and drinks should be allowed in classrooms, because you will need that extra energy in the middle of class,” sophomore Marcus Skinner said.

These are typical student responses to the open-lunch policy at Northtown.Each student is entitled to his or her own opinion.

What do students eat and drink in their classes?

“In my classes I drink water,” senior ‘Ranger’ Krause said.

“When I’m in class I drink an iced white-chocolate mocha,” senior Melaina Bixler said.

“I drink a double chocolate chip frappuccino in class,” senior Kalie Ohrenberg said.

Regardless of what policy each individual teacher enforces in the classroom, it seems as if the open lunch policy at Northtown is here to stay, thus encouraging food and drink in class.