Infinity must be painful.
To experience all the levels contained within every system of each world and plane stacked upon one another simultaneously until numbers are little more than giggles.
This would be restlessness, unease, insanity all in one, and all in nothing, forever, amen.
To solve this excruciating problem, the universe had to lock its consciousness into tiny packets of subjective ego based perception—a way to cut its nerves off at the root and spread them out over the intertwining fractal pathways of the cosmic ecosystem.
Even this was not enough to stop the pain of massive perception.
Our minds, so simple compared to an infinitely expansive all perceiving conscience must still filter out 98 percent of what we are perceiving just to keep ourselves from severing our own necks to make the tidal surge of information absorption to stop.
In contrast to infinity, our full power of perception is like a grain of sand compared to the rest of the universe.
Yet that is still not correct. Because infinity is ever expanding and yet it has no edges.
Imagine the torture of being all things at once contained in a single energy based being that is not a single being, yet exists as one.
You cannot. But maybe you once did. And maybe you will again.
And again. And again.