Uneven, chipped paint on the walls. Smells you try to ignore. Shredded paper everywhere. Doors missing or not able to lock. Soap all over the sink. That’s right, you guessed it: the bathrooms.
This story will uncover the dirty, grimy ways of the bathrooms. Everyone quoted here is a real student and will remain anonymous. However, some things you read will ring true to yourself.
Students have many concerns about the bathrooms here.
“I’m always worried that my stall door won’t lock- almost every bathroom has a minimum of one stall that doesn’t work. And it’d be nice if I could have some privacy,” said a senior female.
“I’m always scared to go into the bathrooms – I don’t feel comfortable going to the bathroom when another guy is in there. It’s too cramped,” said a sophomore male.
No matter how old you are or what school you go to, there is a set of unwritten rules while in the bathrooms. For guys and girls, they differ.
“The one rule every guy should know: don’t stand so close to me. We should have a stall’s distance in between,” said a male junior.
“I refuse to hold a conversation while I’m going to the bathroom, so stop trying. It also ticks me off when girls stand in the mirror for long amounts of time,” said a junior female.
Not only are there unwritten rules, but students have their wishes for improvements.
The consensus is that it’d be nice for the toilets to stop leaking, all the sinks to actually work, stall doors to close, and to have tampons and bigger mirrors for the girls.
Everyone uses the bathroom, I get it, but is it really necessary to show proof that you did?
Flush, people.
That’s the important thing. And please, wash your hands.
I think this goes for everyone when I say that the bathrooms are gross.
Which is the dirtiest girls’ bathroom? Take your pick – they are all equally gross. I can guarantee that at least every building has one putrid, vile bathroom.
Dirtiest boys’ bathroom? I only went into one – not going in another. I’m sure they have their days. Boys are stereotyped as being messy, so I am assuming their bathrooms are just as disturbing.
“Don’t use the bathrooms on the first or second floor,” said a sophomore male.
“Or the third floor bathrooms,” added a junior male.
Thus begs the question: if none of the bathrooms are decent, and everyone can acknowledge that, why are people not flushing? Or following the unwritten rules?
Despite the disgusting conditions in the Norclay girls’ bathrooms, girls are leaving one another notes of positive encouragement.
“The notes are a little weird, but cute. They make people feel better about themselves,” said senior Diamond Wagner.
It’s your decision whether you make your nose or bladder suffer. Which will you choose?