Teacher Appreciation
Animated Mrs. Taylor helps her students
There are not enough students in Northtown that truly appreciate the work that our teachers do for us daily. Our teachers have an entire week dedicated to showing our appreciation for them. The teacher I choose to recognize as under appreciated in my school is Mrs. Flores Taylor, an energetic and caring Spanish teacher.
Mrs. Flores Taylor is the most dedicated teacher I have had the opportunity to meet. She is very hard working, and exuberant, always dancing and singing to her classes, even when she comes to school feeling a little under the weather.
Taylor is very motivated to teach her students Spanish and that is why she makes learning so fun and puts in so much effort to teaching. Taylor says she loves the subject she teaches, and she simply loves her kids. She gives reason to herself on why she continues teaching.
Sophomores Danielle Cawley and Isiah Myers love her, with reason; one is she takes time to care for each student individually and is always inviting to help students when they don’t understand a lesson.
She is passionate towards her job and it is reflected in the classroom.
Mrs. Taylor “is an extremely energetic teacher who loves teaching and cares for students and their educations,” said Myers.
She is always at the printer with a new worksheet to help all of her students practice on a lesson they do not completely grasp.
As a teacher, Ms. Taylor appreciates being able to teach and influence all of her students. She feels as if they kids she teaches are gifts, making her job less of a task and more of a new experience every day.
Language is not always an easy subject for students, so when a difficult subject is made fun by the teacher more students are motivated to do their work. Taylor recognizes that learning needs to be fun, therefore she always creates a great learning environment for her students.
Not only does Taylor teach, but also has her own children that she cares about creating motherly like instincts even inside the classroom. She is willing to converse with any student and NKCHS. Mrs. Taylor truly cares, and I appreciate the hard work she puts in everyday by making learning a wonderful experience. More teachers should be appreciated, and not only during teacher appreciation week.
Jacob Herrera • May 14, 2014 at 2:11 pm
Good story
Jordan brewer • Apr 28, 2014 at 12:37 pm
Awesome!!! She deserves it.
Alli Smith • Apr 28, 2014 at 11:38 am
Wow! This is so true! 🙂 I’m glad your teacher makes learning fun it’s easier to appreciate your education that way!
Madeline Keller • Apr 28, 2014 at 11:38 am
Nice writing!! Will you write my obituary? But seriously good job!!
Maddie W • Apr 27, 2014 at 10:17 pm
WORD. keep it real
Stephanie McCormack • Apr 27, 2014 at 10:09 pm
Good job Liv
Kaleigh E • Apr 27, 2014 at 10:07 pm
I’m glad that the teachers have a week of appreciation. I just wish more students would show it. Jood job Libby
Caitlin Noe • Apr 27, 2014 at 10:04 pm
It’s good that you have a teacher that makes learning fun. Nothing is worse than having a teacher that is boring, especially in a class that can already be difficult. It’s awesome that you see the dedication your teacher puts into your learning experience, most students take that for granted.
Caitlyn • Apr 27, 2014 at 10:04 pm
This is really great! ^.^ I’m glad there are students who actually recognize how much teachers do for us. This makes me want to take spanish 😛
Allison Davidson • Apr 27, 2014 at 10:01 pm
I agree completely! Mrs. Taylor is great and makes learning a new language not only fun, but simple. On top of that she is really funny. Nice job Livs, very well written 🙂
Olivia Weaver • Apr 27, 2014 at 9:47 pm
I can’t believe you’ve come so far and are so grown up now! 🙂 I’m so proud to have been a part of your life and see you progress and appreciate little things in life more and more! I remember when we just played basketball together and you would complain about little things! It’s nice to see the change libs!
Matilda Ellison • Apr 27, 2014 at 9:39 pm
I completely agree that Taylor is super spirited. She is a fantastic teacher and takes great pride in what she does. In fact, I believe that all of Northtown’s teachers have a great sense of honor from working and being able to teach the students here. Overall, I think that the teachers at our school have a deep devotion and are very caring for their students.
John Ellison • Apr 27, 2014 at 9:31 pm
Great job kiddo! I’m proud to know my daughter is so appreciative of learning and your teachers!
Brandy Holderby • Apr 27, 2014 at 9:15 pm
This is nice. I’m glad to see kids that are appreciative of the things they have. I’m proud Olivia 🙂