Video Game Violence

Video games are constantly being blamed for violence in our so- ciety. We hear it all the time, and it makes sense right? If a child plays a violent video game like “Grand Theft Auto” or “Mortal Kombat” they will think its okay to act vio- lently, it seems like basic cause and effect. But I don’t completely agree with this.

I’m not promoting you let little kids play “God of War” all day, because some things just are not age appropriate, and kids are very impressionable. But if someone acts out violently and they happen to also play a violent video game
in their spare time, you should not assume that the video game caused the violent action.

Many people assumed video games have made violent crimi- nals, such as school shooters, want to harm people. What if it’s the exact opposite? Maybe–just may- be, because these shooters wanted to harm people, they played video games that allowed them to harm fictional people.

Another thing is that people who argue that video games cause violence never mention one import- ant fact. Humans, by nature, are violent. All throughout history we have been violent towards one an- other. Anything can be blamed for causing violence, because violence is everywhere in our society. It’s in movies, cable television, books, and even better it is on the news, you know why? Because people are naturally violent.

Basically all I am saying is that correlation is not causation. This means that just because two things seem to have a connection, one didn’t have to cause the other.