Remaking old Video Games

A lot of video game company’s have decided that, along with developing new game franchises, they will remaster older video games to sell them again as if they were new! Then they can make even more money off of games that were best sellers ten years ago. But the twist is that these video games have a new look, So this makes younger consumers interested in all of the classic video games. There are pros and cons to this marketing strategy though.

The good side to this, is that these games are very beneficial to all gamers. The people who played these video games on their original format get to see the game in beautiful high definition and have an excuse to relive the adventures all over again. Also people who are used to the newer generation consoles often have a hard time becoming interested in a game if the graphics are not visually appealing or hard to understand. So with these older games, that have amazing stories, music, and gameplay, being remastered with better graphics, it gives these new gamers the motive to enjoy these classic games that made gaming what it is today.

The bad thing about these games though, are that sometimes it is possible to over do it. A good example of this would be Nintendo. Nintendo has released a good amount of Nintendo 64 games remastered in 3D on the Nintendo 3DS. And yes this is good, I personally love that Nintendo did this, and I own a few of these remastered games myself. But for a while it felt like, that’s all Nintendo did. And we still want new material, not only recycled games. But they have started making more new franchises and sequels, which is good.

So overall, I think these remastered video games are amazing and should keep coming. As long as it is done in moderation.